Symptoms & Instructions

Can come from piercing or body modification, which is the practice of puncturing or cutting a part the body, creating and opening in which jewelry may be worn. If infected, the area may swell and secrete puss.
- Spray Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid directly or apply Primocyn Hydrogel onto the pierced area.
- Repeat as many times necessary

Is a chronic skin disease characterized by dry patches covered with scales. It occurs especially on the scalp, ears, genitalia, and skin over bony prominences.
- Clean area with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Wet a cotton pad with primocyn Eau Divine Liquid and apply onto the affected area. Cover with plastic wrap. Leave on for 30 minutes or as long as possible
- Repeat as many times necessary

Cuts / Scrapes
Are any condition that affect the integumentary system, which is the organ system that encloses the body and includes skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands
- Spray area with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Apply soaked gauze with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid and leave on for 20 minutes

Athlete’s Foot
is a fungal infection of the feet, also known as rignworm of the foot, tinea pedis, tinea pedum and moccasin foot. It is common and contagious dermatophytic fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking and itching of the affected areas.
- Clean with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Apply Primocyn Hydrogel onto the affected area and wrap with cotton gauze or cotton pad
- Repeat as many times necessary

Diaper Rash
Is a skin problem that develops in the area beneath the diaper. A bright red rash and / or red scaly skin on the genitalia are the main symptoms.
- Clean with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Apply Primocyn Hydrogel and briefly let dry before putting the diaper back on

is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin characterized by redness, itching, and the outbreak of vesicular lesions, which become encrusted and scaly
- Clean with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Soak a cotton pad with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid and apply onto the affected area. Wrap with plastic wrap and leave on for 30 minutes or as long as possible
- Repeat as many times necessary

Is a nail fungus caused by fungi called dermatophytes but can also be caused by mold or yeast
- Clean with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Apply Primocyn Hydrogel onto the affected area and wrap with cotton gauze or cotton pad
- Repeat as many times necessary

are open sores on an external surface of the body caused by a break in the skin that fails to heal
- Clean with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Soak gauze with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid and apply onto the affected area
- Seal with plastic wrap and wrap again with dry gauze
- Leave on for as long as possible. If the gauze dries, reapply Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid

are a type of injury to flesh or skin caused by heat, chemicals, friction or radiation
- Soak a cotton pad with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid
- Apply onto burned areas and leave on for 30 minutes
- Repeat as many times necessary

Are swollen veins in the anal canal
- After taking a shower, apply Primocyn Eau Divine Hydrogel on the hemorrhoid area and let it dry

Body Odor
From groin region, under arms, body folds, etc.
- After taking a shower, spray Primocyn Eau Divine on the body or areas where there is body odor
- Let the area dry

Razor Bumps
Also known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small irritated bumps on the skin that develop when strands of hair grow back on themselves
- After shaving, spray Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid for disinfection and pH balance
- After cleaning face, soak cotton pads with Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid and leave on affected area for 20 minutes
- Continue with regular skin regiment

Hair / Scalp / Eyelashes
Demodex Folliculorum, also known as Demodicids, are tiny mites that play a big role in hair loss, as well as various skin complications on the face, such as acne, rosacea, blackheads, and skin irritations. They feed off sebum produced by the sebaceous glands which under nourishes the hair follicle causing the hair to fall out
- Dry hair after taking a shower
- Spray Primocyn Eau Divine Liquid on the Scalp and massage for three to five minutes
- Let dry